Reading about AI

Follow Hans de Zwart's curated stories on AI.

Delivered to your inbox most Monday mornings.

Some frequently asked questions about this newsletter:

Who is making this and why?
I am Hans de Zwart, a political philosopher of technology at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, working in the Responsible IT research group. I read and archive a lot of stories on AI and thought it would be nice to share these stories with others. If you want to read more about me, then check out my full bio.

Why are the stories usually about 1 to 3 weeks old?
That is due to the nature of my production function. Whenever I see something I want to read, I add it to my homebrew read-later app. I then read the stories in that app one by one, from oldest to newest. I believe it makes sense to put a bit of time between when something comes out and when you read it. Doing that increases the level of intentionality. It's slow information intake, a bit like slow food.

But what are your thoughts about AI?
You will receive the stories that I've read without any commentary from my side. In due course, I intend to create another newsletter where I will share the most interesting things I've read (on any topic) and add my reflections. For now, you can check out my written output here and any radio or podcast appearances here.

What are your sources?
I don't use any social media. Instead there is a set of publications that I follow (usually via RSS or else via the full newspaper or magazine). These publications are in Dutch and English. Here is a non-exhaustive list: De Correspondent, Groene Amsterdammer, Follow the Money, MIT Technology Review, Rest of World, Economist, Guardian (tech), The Markup, New York Review of Books, Vrij Nederland, and WIRED. My three most important curators are Stephen Downes, Cory Doctorow, and Tyler Cowen.

Some of the articles will be behind a paywall. It is always good to pay for journalism if you can afford it, but in case you can't then I can recommend Bypass Paywalls, or the reader mode in Firefox.

What about my privacy?
I will only use your email address for sending you this newsletter, I won't give it to anyone else, and the newsletter is completely free of tracking (I can't see what stories you've clicked on). I use phpList which, next to your email address, will also store the IP address and date and time of your subscription. It stores which newsletters you have received and some other metadata about your subscription.

Who made the image that is used when sharing this page?
The image Power/Profit was made by clarote and AI4Media, was found via Better Images of AI and is licensed under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.